Dear Log,
My exciting day:
- The cat woke me up. He's sinister!
- I learned about wperl.exe from Brevity -- a way to start perl under
MSWin that doesn't take up a console window; ideal for Perl/Tk.
- I found out how to set the icon for a Tk window:
my $image = Tk->findINC('srcfile.xpm');
$image and $mw->Icon('-image' => $mw->Pixmap('-file' => $image) );
- I watched Wide Angle
on PBS, about how Argentina's economy went ¡cablúi! and how
the IMF
is full of bad suggestions about how to fix it. ¡El úpso!
- I procrastinated about finishing up the =item and L<..> code in the new
Pod parser.
- I went and saw the new Austin Powers movie. Enh.
- I kicked around the idea of patching lwpcook.
chaoticset on 2002-08-11T02:01:51
That little T(k)idbit shall be remembered well. Thank you...