Old network maps

TorgoX on 2002-07-19T17:44:24

Dear Log,

(Via Bruce Sterling)

the good old days

gav on 2002-07-20T21:49:23

Brings back nostalgia about my internet access in about 1990. I could go to my dad's work, log in to the box in london, connect over (what we thought was the incredibly fast) 64kbit transatlantic link to their offices in MA. Then we could set batch ftp overnight on their net connect, which was a modem. I remember printing out directory listings of wuarchive and sunsite to highlight files I wanted.

It wasn't until 1993 until I had access at home courtesty of Demon Interent and a hideously expensive 14.4k modem.

These kids and their cable modems! They don't know how easy the internet has become :)