If you lived here, you'd be dead by now!

TorgoX on 2002-07-08T23:24:01

Dear Log,

«If there is anywhere in the world where a model for the treatment of HIV and Aids is needed, it is Botswana. This landlocked country in southern Africa has the highest incidence of the condition, almost 40% of its adult population being infected. The average life expectancy has just fallen below 40 years for the first time since 1950.
The strain prevalent here is subtype C. The developed world has subtype B and east Africa mostly A and B. But it is subtype C, the most virulent and prone to resistance, that is threatening to explode in China and India. So far, 51 different strains of subtype C have been identified in Botswana alone.»

--"Botswana battles against 'extinction'"
"Aids cuts life expectancy to 27"

But: Aids vaccine 'may be ready within five years'