Dear Log,
New idea: a sure way to hit it big is T-shirts with clever things on them that sum up what everyone is thinking. Therefore I should sell T-shirts in Sa'udi Arabia that say, in Koranic Arabic, "Fourteen hundred years ago, this guy said that *G*O*D* told him how everyone should do everything, and it involved everyone learning how to speak our language and acting like us, and so we became the center of a cultural (religious) imperium that was the height of so-called civilization for centuries, but now, centuries later, we're poor, backward, resentful, deeply deluded, histrionic, puritanical narcissists and ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT."
Think it'll sell? I can get it done up in shmancy calligraphy!
Or maybe I should edit that a bit, down to a more Japlishly errant concision -- like maybe "PORR IMPULSE CONTROL" or "DON'T MASS WITH TEXAS".