Sunday Virtual Sunday

TorgoX on 2002-07-04T01:38:17

Dear Log,

Now my plain HTML slides feel so... inadequate...

«[...]The software is terrific. When the brief for, say, the paratroopers says: "Now, Mr Hoggart, I want you to look at the third paragraph in the second column of your article," two seconds later the words flash up on the screen with a coloured arrow pointing to them.

Eyewitnesses have an even spiffier programme. There is a map of the city, covered in numbered red dots. If someone says, "I was standing at number 27", the view flashes up on the screen, with four arrows, designed to turn the panorama through 360 degrees. It's made up of colour photographs, but where buildings have changed, an artist, working from old pictures, has represented them, meaning in effect that you can create the entire area, in the round, on the screen, exactly as it was in January 1972.

This programme is called "virtual reality", which seems a pretty good title for the whole of Northern Ireland.[...]»

--Simon Hoggart's description of his participation in the Bloody Sunday inquest