
TorgoX on 2002-04-11T08:38:36

Dear Log,

Idea: Since Eudora filter-rules files are in plaintext, write a Perl program that reads your mailbox, and dynamically updates the filters in some clever way. E.g., if it sees you emailing someone on at least two different days, it creates a filter that makes that address immune to the usual junk-mail scanning rules.

Same idea for Mozilla

gizmo_mathboy on 2002-04-11T14:21:36

I was having similar thoughts about Mozilla.

It's rules.dat file is plaintext as well.

I've was looking for an easy way to generate my white list from my addressbook. I did find info about the format (Mork) but I'm being really lazy about it. I tried a simple command line script but it's kind of icky, maybe I'll try later today.

As for the rest...having a white list and other rules for mailing list should catch most. I guess I still need rules to trap known spam.

Hmmm...guess I better get tinkering (after I get some work done of course).