MSWord fun

TorgoX on 2002-04-07T01:29:10

Dear Log,

I really don't like MSWord, but I've found ways to make it tolerable. The main thing is having rebound a lot of the keys, some to internal MSWord commands, some to little macros. Here is how I have my bindings set currently:

Alt-Z binds to ViewZoomPageWidth

Alt-Shift-Z binds to this:
Sub zoom_text_width()
ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Zoom.PageFit = wdPageFitTextFit
End Sub

Alt-G binds to RepeatFind

Ctrl-J binds to EditGoTo

Shift-Alt-< binds to this:
Sub laquo()
Selection.TypeText Text:=Chr(171)
End Sub

Shift-Alt-> binds to this:
Sub raquo()
Selection.TypeText Text:=Chr(187)
End Sub

Ctrl-Enter binds to:
Sub newline()
Selection.TypeText Text:=Chr(11)
End Sub

Alt-" binds to this:
Sub apostrophe()
Selection.TypeText Text:="'"
End Sub

Alt-' binds to this:
Sub quote()
Selection.TypeText Text:=""""
End Sub

Those last two are to get around smart-quotification of ' and ", when I want to. Someone here helpfully pointed out that if you just hit Undo immediately after MSWord smart-quotifies something, then it reverts -- but I can never remember that, and so I instead just use the above keys.