Big pimpin' in the neutronium mantle

TorgoX on 2006-05-04T02:46:28

Dear Log,

«Hildemar's Knots:

Alien species first discovered in the neutron star KJEI-54-458945 in the Einstein's Revenge Cluster. They consist of knots of the vortex and charge tubes in the neutronium mantle of the neutron star; each individual is a few centimetres across and lives on soliton waves and neutrino flows. They are based on nuclear matter processes, acting naturally on the femtosecond timescale and have picotech manipulation abilities. The Einstein's Revenge Cluster consists of 34 neutron stars, apparently the result of timed supernovas several hundred million years ago. It is unknown if they were caused by the Knots or some species which created the Knots, but all neutron stars are inhabited by different versions of the Knots.

The Knots appear to have a largely non-material culture where the basis of interaction is trade in self, orthodoxy and authentic noise (?) according to the communication attempts that have been undertaken by various interstellar institutes. Knots appear to view the world as an eternal unchanging structure, where they just play out its logical unfolding in order to cause their existence (?). Most contact attempts have failed, as the Knots consider the world outside the neutronium a highly abstract mathematical problem rather than something to interact with.»

--Orion's Arm Encyclopedia Galactica entry: "Hildemar's Knots"
What can I say-- sex sells!