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TorgoX on 2006-04-18T00:30:17

Dear Chat Log,

TorgoX:   And then I dreamed I found a hundred dollar bill and then I dreamed I was going through a stack of Commodore 64 disks but then I woke up because Leu was all PLAY WITH ME so I got up and gave him catnip.

Consarnit:   But I have already suggested that the democratic argument implies a necessary condition, namely, that the people must be capable of deliberating and choosing on the basis of knowledge, that they must have access to authentic information, and that, on this. basis, their evaluation must be the result of autonomous thought.

TorgoX:   And I tried to get back to sleep but then he was knocking my eyeglasses off the nightstand over and over and I was like NO DO KITTY, NO DO, but he's a bit unclear on cause and effect and so just went and chased a rubber band.

Consarnit:   The authorities in education, morals, and psychology are vociferous against the increase in juvenile delinquency; they are less vociferous against the proud presentation, in word and deed and pictures, of ever more powerful missiles, rockets, bombs--the mature delinquency of a whole civilization.

TorgoX:   Then I doodled some PostScript code in my little notebook de esquisse de bosquejo y pwés I fell asleep kinda but I was sorta really just thinking in PostScript when I was asleep and that's not fun. 3 1 ROLL, 4 -2 ROLL EXCH POP OMG WTF BBQ and stuff over and over, in four dimensions.

Consarnit:   Consequently, persuasion through discussion and the equal presentation of opposites (even where it is really, equal) easily lose their liberating force as factors of understanding and learning; they are far more likely to strengthen the established thesis and to repel the alternatives.

TorgoX:   Yeah but so then I tried reading a bit of that big Peter Norvig Case Studies in Common Lisp in bed, propping it up on my chest, but the weight of it was COLLAPSING MY LUNGS and that thing is so heavy it should come with a hand truck.

Consarnit:   The political locus of tolerance has changed: while it is more or less quietly and constitutionally withdrawn from the opposition, it is made compulsory behavior with respect to established policies.

TorgoX:   So I got up and went to the diner with the laptop but there were like practically no outlets anywhere and my battery was low so I ended up practically having to sit in the waitresses' little holding pen area just so my lapotp's power cord could reach anything. But that was okay because every few seconds they were all like MORE ICE TEA SIR and I was like yessum!

Consarnit:   In the interplay of theory and practice, true and false solutions become distinguishable--never with the evidence of necessity, never as the positive, only with the certainty of a reasoned and reasonable chance, and with the persuasive force of the negative.

TorgoX:   But I was a bit distracted by all the hustle and hubbub, or maybe it was just that I had set my desktop wallpaper to a 60fps Brakhage thing. But I got some coding done anyway.

Consarnit:   But in its struggle with history, art subjects itself to history: history enters the definition of art and enters into the distinction between art and pseudo-art. Thus it happens that what was once art becomes pseudo-art.

TorgoX:   I call it the BRAKhage Show Starring BRAKhage!

Consarnit:   Peace is redefined as necessarily, in the prevailing situation, including preparation for war (or even war) and in this Orwellian form, the meaning of the word 'peace' is stabilized.

TorgoX:   You sir are the worst bot I have EVER written.