Empires of the senseless

TorgoX on 2006-03-15T09:13:10

Dear Log,

[sfx: white noise]

«American attitudes towards Islam were not out of step with Europe, Mr Dougherty said, adding that there was more tolerance in the US towards the use of headscarves than in countries such as Germany or France, where there is strong support for a ban.

But nearly half of Americans, 46%, said they held unfavourable attitudes towards Islam - compared with 24% in January 2002.»
--"Islamophobia worse in America now than after 9/11, survey finds"

«It is all rather depressing, but let me make clear that there are good Americans out there, whose voices are only just being heard above the whir of the Republican money-counting machines - people such as Erik Reece and Robert Kennedy Jr and many unknown environmental campaigners. They deserve our support during this Appalachian spring, however distant.»
--"Add to Bush's follies the rape of his own country"

«'The West can impose many cultural influences on us because they have the most powerful media in the world,' Alimi said. 'But we cannot export our culture to America, even though Iran has a history and culture that's far older. We are under a cultural bombardment.'»
--"Iran's own Eminem raps for Islam"

«"As for you, black Condoleezza Rice, swallow your tongue, remember your origins and stop talking about liberation and freedom. Have you not been taught by your cowboy masters that 'slaves' cannot liberate themselves, that they are not capable to capture the large Islamic world whose cultural roots are planted in the depths of history? The slaves who are happy with their enslavement, O Condoleezza, will continue to be enslaved. They will never be free and will never free others."»
--Al-Dustour (Jordan) 2002-09-24
And therefore I propose that all Earthicans unite in a War Against Run-On Sentences.