Bogblogging 3

TorgoX on 2005-12-31T10:04:45

Dear (Bogb)log,

The patch of muskeg/bog that I set to draining some weeks ago is nicely rehabilitated, according to my backyard safari today. However, I found that right behind it, there is a patch of even worse land -- or really not land, but actually swamp, complete with a well-defined covering of brackish standing water. Also included: the smell of skunk cabbage.

I set this mess to draining. This is a matter of me flailing around with a shovel to break up the grass roots that lock in all the water, as I stomp a path between where the water is, and where it needs to flow off toward. And so gallons of water oozed and then rushed away. This will require some re-stomping later, of course.

Altho I think of wetlands as a scarce resource globally, I presume that the loss of a few square (cubic?) meters of this goo from my back yard will go unnoticed, considering that much of the rest of the state of Alaska is still merrily marshy.