From the year 1588 in Hakluyt's Voyages (1599) II. ii. 129:
«Their bread is a kind of roots, they call it Inamia ["yams", possibly meaning sweet potatoes], and when it is well [boiled] I would leaue our bread to eat of it.»
I'm baking up a hot heap of sweet potatoes! Enough beta carotene to turn me into a photo-negative Smurf! Enough starch to make me a BUNDLE OF CHEMICAL ENERGY!
Peel 'em; quarter 'em; let 'em sit in some water to soak up some more water; put them back together in foil along with a bit of oil or butter, salt, and pepper, maybe a bit of cinnamon and/or honey; and bake them at 400F until they're soft -- maybe 90 minutes, maybe more. HOOBOY!