Recipe for genius

TorgoX on 2005-11-02T23:41:13

Dear Chat Log,

Torgo:  Sweet Zombie Jesus, it's another goon that read ␀␀␀ and thought it was a recipe for GENIUS.

PogoForPez:  Certain authors need to go in the locked case. ␀␀␀ is one.

Torgo:  It's that worse kind of book: 90% sanity topped by 10% of simplistic nonsense that makes it appeal to mushbrains.

PogoForPez:  Also all theoreticians of history. Especially ␀␀␀.

Torgo:  I'm having a seizure at just the mention.

PogoForPez:  No ␀␀␀ or ␀␀␀ or ␀␀␀ without a note from Mom!

Torgo:  Space Mom.

PogoForPez:  You end up being driven mad, and either you yell at people outside the Arby's or become Francis Fukuyama. Either way your parents will be sad.

Torgo:  Then you end up speaking at corporate breakfast/retreats and it's DOOM DOOM DOOM DORK DORK DOOM and you're instantly Clifford Stoll. It's an unspeakable fate.