The Big Difficult, a/k/a Once in a Lifetime

TorgoX on 2005-09-09T01:25:59

Dear Log,

«It is currently pro forma for politicians to announce that [New Orleans] will be rebuilt, and doubtless it will be. Once. But if hurricanes like Katrina go from once-in-a-century storms to once-in-a-decade-or-two storms, how many times are you going to rebuild it? Even in America there's not that kind of money - especially if you're also having to cope with, say, the effects on agriculture of more frequent and severe heat waves, and the effects on human health of the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and malaria, and so on ad infinitum.»
--"Sucker's Bets for the New Century:: The U.S. after Katrina"
Required reading, via Bruce Sterling, who knows a thing or two.