Dear Chat Log,
世巛旦旧: Do you remember the last name of Thusk from back at Bobodyne?
Torgo: Not offhand, but Skeetmore might remember.
世巛旦旧: He's a teacher now.
Torgo: Thusk is?
世巛旦旧: Skeetmore is. Thusk, however, was a polygamist.
Torgo: !
世巛旦旧: You didn't know that? He and his wife were always looking for "friends".
Torgo: Oh, like a "poly" thing, or a swingers thing or something?
世巛旦旧: No, like "come live with us and make babies with us".
Torgo: Babies.
世巛旦旧: He kinda creeped me out in a "Montana compound" way.
Torgo: I had no clue. But I DID observe that he consistently made poor "choices" about his haircut and facial hair. I mean, those are LIFE DECISIONS.
世巛旦旧: And he liked taking naked photos of himself and showing them off.
Torgo: Showing them off?
世巛旦旧: Well, they were posted on his website.
Torgo: Oh, I thought you meant showing them around the office back at Bobodyne. I did once see his web site at some point, and there was no actual COCK there. Just "boudoirey" stuff like this is the mall or something.
世巛旦旧: Yeah, I think you're right... no cock.
Torgo: Like Cintra Wilson says, "there is no actual cock behind the rock anymore".
世巛旦旧: Yup. It's the Kaliyuga alright.
Torgo: The dregs of time. COBOL everywhere.