Virginia Slims

TorgoX on 2005-03-16T00:36:48

Dear Log,

«'Mistress' Ezili Freda, goddess of love and luxury, is a flirtatious light-skinned Creole woman who adores fine clothes, jewels, perfumes, and lace. The love she seeks is forever unrequited and causes her to weep. Ezili is manifest in the bejeweled Mater Dolorosa, her heart pierced with a knife. Freda's colors are white and pink, and one of her favorite perfumes is Anais-Anais. Her drinks must be sweet and are often made with orange syrup or grenadine. Food offerings might include rice cooked in cinnamon milk or bananas fried in sugar. If she smokes, her cigarettes are mild, like Virginia Slims.»
--Spirits: Ezili Freda
So that's who wouldn't put out their cigarette at the diner yesterday!