Can someone make an ambient music app for PC/Mac/XBox/etc?

TorgoX on 2005-02-12T04:01:03

Dear All,

Does anyone know any video game programmers who feels like donating a little time (maybe two hours?) to an arty/musicky project?

I'm looking for someone who programs videogames like XBoxes or the like; and/or who can do application-level PC or Mac programming that can output to the sound device. No fancy video needed.

Specifically, I'm curious about finding someone who'd like to donate some time to doing an application that'd implement what I did in CGI as The Long Now Chimes browser.

I've got the basic algorithm implemented in a few dozen lines of straightforward Perl, so that's the hard part. The rest is just translating that algorithm to C or whatever, and writing the code that takes the chime sequence that that outputs and spitting the appropriate sound files' data to the sound device.

It could look pretty nice on a résumé (collaboration with Brian Eno, Danny Hillis and me!!!) otherwise cluttered by credits for "assistant-bongwasher, Stabkill Shootsiroshu XVI".

Anyone interested can comment here and/or email me at

I have the easy part done ...

pemungkah on 2005-02-23T21:34:11

... which is the sound synthesis on OS X; I've hijacked the PlaySoftMIDI demo application and have added the necessary infrastructure to take an array containing a permutation and play it.

At the moment it plays one fixed permutation and quits; once I've got the permutation calculator working I can try that.

Is the code on the Long Now Chimes page on your site the code I should be looking at for calculating the permutations? Not looking forward to implementing splice() in C... :)

Re:I have the easy part done ...

TorgoX on 2005-02-24T00:10:10


Luckily, the permutational stuff can just as easily be implemented as string manupilation -- I did it in splice et al simple because I was directly reiterating the original Mathematica code.