Compose music, design a doghouse, and...

TorgoX on 2004-12-04T03:56:14

«It was my father's dream that, one day, the people of the world would be connected by a network of blocky, refrigerator-sized computers, much like those he was helping to develop at IBM.

He envisioned families of the future gathered around their mammoth terminals, ordering grocies and paying their taxes from the comfort of their own homes. A person could compose music, design a doghouse, and -- something more, something even better. A person could -- he could --

When predicting this utopia, he would eventually reach a point when words would failed him. His eyes would widen and sparkle at the thought of this indescribable something more. "I mean, my GOD!", he'd say, "just THINK about it!". My sisters and I preferred not to. I didn't know about them, but I was hoping the people of the world might be united by something more interesting, like drugs, or an armed struggle against the undead. [...]»
