Dead rooms for a living death! GO BULLDOGS!

TorgoX on 2004-10-16T07:54:01

Dear Log,

«In what he [the artist Gregor Schneider] has renamed the Totes Haus Ur, or Dead House, he has constructed a labyrinth of insulated, soundproofed rooms - rooms for every imaginable and unimaginable purpose. Dead rooms for a living death, with walls built in front of walls, pointless corridors, blind windows, rotating rooms and rooms from which, if you are accidentally locked in, there is no escape.»

--Visual arts: "Broken Homes"

Oh hey, great. Because that sounds just like where I went to high school, and you know I've been aching to re-experience that!!!

Coda: I am beginning to suspect that we, as a culture, have extracted all possible edification from the spectacle of Germans making art that is just creepy shit. Game over.

I agree

jjohn on 2004-10-16T19:08:29

Germans should just stick to comedy.

Art imitates Something Awful

schwern on 2004-10-16T21:51:23

BEHOLD! The Terrible Metamorphosis of K. Tomishekmann!