Die Hard of 1922

TorgoX on 2004-08-10T23:31:36

Dear Log,

«[Babbitt] liked three kinds of films: pretty bathing girls with bare legs; policemen or cowboys and an industrious shooting of revolvers; and funny fat men who ate spaghetti. He chuckled with immense, moist-eyed sentimentality at interludes portraying puppies, kittens, and chubby babies; and he wept at death-beds and old mothers being patient in mortgaged cottages. Mrs. Babbitt preferred the pictures in which handsome young women in elaborate frocks moved through sets ticketed as the drawing-rooms of New York millionaires. As for [their 10-year-old daughter] Tinka, she preferred, or was believed to prefer, whatever her parents told her to.»

--from chapter 12 of Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis, 1922