"If Bush loses, the gays will take over."

TorgoX on 2004-08-09T23:01:20

Dear Log,

The zombies do vote!


zatoichi on 2004-08-10T00:12:59

As a contrast, I know of 1 person (my sister) who is going to vote for Kerry. Everyone else I know is voting for Bush.


brev on 2004-08-10T04:33:31

Eh. Aside from the totally ignorant ones, these Bush-voters sound exactly like Democrats. Kerry's endless parsing and straddling didn't endear himself to Dems either. They'd much rather have someone who says what he means.

But in the primaries, the Democrats thought that other people wouldn't think like them.

It seems they thought that there was a candidate who by intrinsic biographical virtues, would be immune to attack ads and divisive rhetoric. So much for that idea. IMO they should have picked the person who a) they actually liked, b) was most capable of dealing with these problems as they arose.

For more contrast....

clintp on 2004-08-10T13:28:07

It looks like they didn't choose their states carefully. This map may have helped: http://www.electoral-vote.com.

Here in Michigan (one of the "Battleground" states) whether or not people like Bush is a matter of where they're living. And a couple of miles makes a difference.

I live in Ferndale, Michigan: small townish, lots of fairs, art galleries, coffee shops, and extremely homosexual friendly. This is not a Bush city. You'd think neighboring Royal Oak's the same way -- it's not. Lots of elderly, rich, conservative neighborhoods surround a trendy, young, college downtown. Laura Bush spoke here yesterday. It's a Bush city, unless you poll people downtown. On the other side, there's Hazel Park (or Hazeltucky to the locals). And except for the union boys -- who've been brainwashed into thinking "whatever's bad for GM/Ford/DMChrysler must be good for me!" -- it's very much a Bush town.

Same goes for my hometown, Flint. Fully owned and operated by the United Auto Workers, Michigan Education Association, and Michigan Nurse's Association, Flint is most certainly not a Bush town (except those rabid Michael Moore haters). The suburbs (Fenton, Flushing, Flint Twp, Davison, Swartz Creek) are.

I somehow get the feeling that NJ people drove right through the Bush precincts because there weren't any resturants, gas stations, or coffee shops. And searching for Bush supporters at a F911 screening, seated next to a George Wallace memorial, a party district in Louisiana, and a gay bar isn't going to find him much support.