Dear All,
MJD's forthcoming book is going to be amazing. PREPARE!
Woo hoo! Is it headed to the publisher now?
Re:MJD's Book
Dominus on 2004-03-26T14:32:20
Here's the current status. I completed the draft manuscript on 8 March. The draft just came out of final technical review a couple of days ago. I am now taking a two-week vacation in Taiwan. When I return I will begin the final revision. That should take a few weeks. Then the book is released into production, which includes design, layout, copyediting, and eventually printing and shipping.August now seems overoptimistic. (I think I misunderstood the schedule.) But it will be out before the end of the year for sure, perhaps around October.
Thanks to all of you for your interest. See the web pages for full details.
Dominus on 2004-03-26T14:27:31
If you haven't heard anything for months, then you aren't on the mailing list. I sent a message on 8 March.See message of 8 march in the mailing list archive.
Re:Enlighten me...I am new here
grantm on 2004-03-24T08:32:18
Re:Enlighten me...I am new here
zatoichi on 2004-03-24T17:25:39
Ah cool indeed.
I think TorgoX was describing his reaction to the book, not necessarily implying it will be out any time soon. Or did I mis-read it?
kag on 2004-03-24T20:34:46
MJD on the PATH mailing list:
"The book should be published by August"