Convention of Solipsists

TorgoX on 2004-01-25T04:29:56

Dear Log,

« orkut is a community of friends and trusted acquaintances that connects individuals through a social network that grows person by person.

With orkut, you can catch up with old friends, make new acquaintances through people you trust, and maybe even find that certain someone you've been looking for everywhere.

orkut helps you organize and attend events, join communities that share your interests, and find partners to participate in the activities you most enjoy.»

I don't like it.

A community of one

gav on 2004-01-25T04:40:22

I don't know anybody who uses one of these things (what do you do with them anyway?) so I worry that I'd have a community of one. Then I'd be sad.

Community of Solipsist Omphaloskeptics

chromatic on 2004-01-25T07:19:13

It could be worse. It could be a BLOGROLL!

Re:Community of Solipsist Omphaloskeptics

jhi on 2004-01-25T12:27:11

> Omphaloskeptics

Cool, I didn't know there was a word for people who doubt the existence of their navels.

two reactions

brev on 2004-01-25T10:49:24

reaction #1: because the problem with online relationships is... not having enough of them?

reaction #2: I don't get social software but there are some for whom it makes sense. Maybe not the typical computer programmer.

I know one woman who manages her life through Friendster. Most of what she does depends on knowing people in the art world in a few cities. So having a registry of contacts, and her contacts' contacts, is a major asset. It's kind of a Napster of rolodexes.