
TorgoX on 2003-10-10T00:48:21

Dear Log,

I worked a bit today on a dodad for the Library of Congress web site so that they can make available their language-tag databases as something other than the current lame formats.

Also, I worked more on the never-endingrevisions to the Mozilla Firebird language preference menu. Hopefully it'll be done in a few days.

While my sleep schedule is not so nocturnal anymore, the cat's sleep schedule still is. He demands entertainment at all hours.

language tag db

inkdroid on 2003-10-10T14:09:31

Cool, do you mean ISO 639-2/RA? Is this something that is headed towards CPAN? If it is, and you have the time please drop us a line at perl4lib.

Re:language tag db

TorgoX on 2003-10-10T17:27:28

It'll produce documents (one in tsv, one in xml) that'll be at

Watch that space!