Dear Log,
OSCon in Portland has been a blast so far. The hotel is great, and is well situated. And Portland is really nice in a very subtle way I can't put my finger on. Much nicer than other places I've lived -- L.A., Chicago, and Albuquerque. L.A. is too The Informers. Chicago is too 8 Mile. And Albuquerque is too After Dark, My Sweet. So I tentatively state that if I ever wanted to live in a real city in the lower 48 again, it'd be Portland.
I woke up this morning (Wednesday) thinking I'd go into the Perl 6 talk at 10ish, and so ate breakfast and packed a lunch and stuff; but I was really grumpy and on edge, so I laid down for a bit, and ended up sleeping most of the afternoon! I guess it was travel stress catching up with me. My host also has two very effective hypnocats. When I woke up feeling much better, and so I skittered to the hotel. I caught Casey's talk on mail filtering, which made me feel quite productive.
Afterward I ran into David Blank-Edelman, who I went and got Chinese food with, and chatted with about ASL and things. Then we ran into Walt Mankowski, HDP, JJohn of course, and many other personnages comme il faut. Then we went to Gnat's little coffeeklatsh, and I got to see everyone everyone everyone. By time I got to meet many of the folks, who previously I'd only ever met online, I was already sort of wasted (maybe it's all the pollen here triggering my allergies). But I presumably avoided showering anyone with invective, maudlin limericks, or mucous. So the night was a success, as also witnessed by the fact that I, with accidental precision, caught the last bus home.