Dear Log,
So there's this court case against a Danish museum curator, who hosted an art exhibit inviting members of the public to turn on blenders with live goldfish in them. Press the button to turn on the blender, and the goldfish are reduced to a light frappé. In defending himself (successfully) against a charge of cruelty against animals, the curator said:
"It's a question of principle. An artist has the right to create works which defy our concept of what is right and what is wrong," he [Peter Meyer, director of the Trapholt Art Museum] told the court in Kolding.
I hereby invite members of the public to cut off one of Peter Meyer's fingers (painlessly, we hope). To the first person who does this, I will pay a plastic bag of pre-Euro European money (presumably now worthless) that I have around my apartment someplace. Or half a bag to anyone who painlessly hurls any of Peter Meyer's pets into a woodchipper. Or a quarter of a bag to anyone who pummels to death an EU lawyer/judge/legalist with their own briefcase (painlessly).
Some would say that this is an extreme act on my part. But I point out that I am (hereby) an artist, and this is a question of principle. An artist has the right to create works which defy our concept of what is right and what is wrong.
TorgoX on 2003-05-24T04:18:02
I hereby award you a "community theater" grant. I have extracted a small finder's fee, in the form of stem cells. But you have to guess from where! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.