Today on #apache@ircnet we had a fun little discussion about signatures and it turned into putting something about life in your signature.
<Rias> package life; BEGIN { die "Did you really think it was that easy?\n"; } 1;
<steven> package Life; sub DESTROY { return __PACKAGE__->new; } # Reincarnation
So we modified it a bit more to actually work and ended up with something like:
package Reincarnation;
sub DESTROY { Life->new; } 1;
package Life;
@Life::ISA = qw(Reincarnation);
sub new { bless {}, $_[0]; } 1;
package main; my $life = Life->new;
Which was kind of fun, 'cause it made perl segfault after a good amount of iterations (18021 times to be exact).
I'm sure someone else has made (and experienced) this before, but we found it very amusing. And thanks to Steven for making my day a bit fun ;-)