Christmas, Digital Camera, Job

Thomas on 2001-12-22T04:02:06

This is my first journal entry.

So, I've been living in the States with my wife for 6 months now and I really like it. Moved all our stuff from Denmark this summer.

And last week I got a job writing Perl and mod_perl code for a company in St. Paul. It was well worth waiting for! The place rocks.

Today I went out and got a Canon G2 digital camera and it is very nice, what awesome pictures it takes!

And btw, Merry Christmas.

St. Paul?

autarch on 2001-12-22T04:51:28

There's a semi-active Twin Cities Perl Mongers group. Hopefully we'll do something in January.

You should come. There's not enough people doing serious Perl hacking there (a lot of the people who come are interested in Perl but don't get to use it a lot at their jobs).

Email me ( for more details.

Of course, this all assumes that you do mean St. Paul, Minnesota.


Re:St. Paul?

Thomas on 2001-12-23T02:07:14

I do mean St. Paul. and I have been to two of the meetings at Barley Johns. Missed two at Veritas though :-(

And you were actually at one of the meetings along with Ken.

This was just my first opportunity to post something even close to interesting in my journal ;-)

Re:St. Paul?

autarch on 2001-12-23T18:44:26

Hmm, have we met? I have a _very_ poor memory for names, as you might have realized from my post ;)


Re:St. Paul?

Thomas on 2001-12-24T13:47:38

I will introduce myself at the next meeting :-)