Last night I got some email from James Micheal DuPont author of GCC XML Node Introspector : ' a perl XML interface to GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to support meta programming in c/c++ and perl'.
We are planning to integrate some of his and my work together and generally share code and knowledge. Mostly his knowledge probably.
This means that he gets some useful Diagram Class es for Dia, and I get some extra help supporting more Output options (currently Dia and GraphViz) in autodia.
I am looking to improve autodia C++ handling from the feedback I have receieved about version 1.2 (now showing its age and due to be replaced by a new version soon), and hopefully get some help from cpp2dia which overlaps what autodia does for C++ and should be very useful.
Another thing I hope to look at get Autodia to work with is jzgraph