3 tier mixed language web architecture for beginners

TeeJay on 2002-11-06T14:34:59

Today I am compiling the notes and documentation I have compiled while building the front end system of a large and complex CMS.

Unfortunately my target audience consists of a Apple Hardware engineer who has installed mandrake on his home PC once and 2 graduates who haven't used UNIX since university and have only ever administered Windows Machines.

The documentation in quickly turning into a short book as I cover basics that any UNIX Administrator should know and paraphrase the abundant documentation already available.

When I finish it looks like we will have a 40 page word document on how to set up a linux box, which is nice but I wish *I* had some documentation for the stuff I work with here.

In case you're wondering the system involves 1 vanilla apache server serving static content and proxying for 2 apache/mod_perl servers (1 https, 1 http) and a Tomcat server combined with bespoke perl applications, jgenerator servlets and mysql 4.04.