new autodia immenent

TeeJay on 2002-04-23T15:50:10

The combined pressure of needing a VBScript parser and the emails I have received asking for help and fixes mean that a new release of AutoDia will be available soon.

Ideas bounced around include accessing the data as XML - i.e. rather than using the default perl script to output content to a file using templates you could access the data in a Sax object.

Another idea would be to improve the auto-layout logic - I plan to sit down and read through some of the white papers on the graphviz site and others in hope of ensuring a fairly sane layout of UML in Dia..

which brings me to my next idea - why not use an abstract layout logic that could be used to position not just Dia elements but also GD shapes or whatever.

This means that forking a stable and development branch is necessary - the handlers need a lot of work and the new features will be a long time coming and sketchy to start with.

So I get to release 2 versions.. yeay!
