I came accross two blog posts today on enjoying your open source / personal projects and it's a helpful reminder that I don't need to stress about the projects I have.
* http://nickelcode.com/2008/12/08/developing-for-fun-some-observations/
* http://weblog.masukomi.org/2008/12/14/on-coding-for-fun
both very good, with reminders of the fact that if you're not getting paid or some other reward and it's not fun, then it's probably not worth doing.
It's also worth remembering the flip side of the coin - nobody owes you support or bug fixes in a project they're doing for free on their own time.
And finally, I got what you always ask for as a writer or maintainer of open source (or heck even commerical) code :
an unsolicited patch with test and explaination.. somebody read the README, and did exactly as I wishfull thinkingly asked and then seemed surprised that I was surprised.
in the words of Patrick Nice[1].. "which was nice"
1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/fastshow/characters/patrick_nice.shtml