dear lazyweb - I want more metadata when searching cpan

TeeJay on 2008-05-06T10:09:43

I'd really appreciate more ways to search cpan - there is so much information available that can help you find the right library that aren't currently used anywhere: * ohloh and other metrics (sloccount, version control churn, bug churn, mailing list activity) * koala tea * recomended on the perl 5 wiki * published articles, slides, advent calender on it * cpandeps results * SYNOPSIS * SEE ALSO suggestions

And that's on top of the current reviews/rating system and bug count available on

If I had some spare time I'd give it a go, but I'm busy with work, sprog and current CPAN module workload. It would make a neat showcase for any framework like Maypole or Catalyst tho.