So I'm minding my own business writing geometric queries and discover that DBD::Pg can't cope with the ?# operator, so I switch look at changing the placeholder format in SQL::Abstract but it doesn't provide a way to do so (mst has offered to look at adding it later if I provide a patch), so I try directly using DBI and find that if I change the placeholders I'm using to $1 format, I get a different error. Joy.
So I install a new version of DBD::Pg, but of course I can't install it via CPAN as it requires env vars be set (not asking for them interactively), and the 00signatures test fails so it won't install, and I have to install it manually.
The new version gives the same error, so I've reported it, and you can find details at
so, for future reference - you can't use any postgres syntax with ? in, with DBD::Pg, nor install it via cpan.
now to create a function that does in 10 lines what ?# does in 1 :(