red mist obscuring bad code impedes progress

TeeJay on 2006-03-23T17:37:20

I'm finding it a struggle to work with the 'system' that my current client/employer (yeay contracting) has accumulated over several years.

Todays WTF, was that anything that was in T4/Fax encoding was stored in 1 table - about 32 distinct types of chart despite there being about 7 clear groups of chart that are handled/processed/used differently.

The fact that most of the code is so badly written and stuck around 1993 in style means that I have to actually get up and walk away from my desk regularly rather than get worked up at the sheer idiocy on the screen.

The good news is we are replacing as much as possible, the bad news is we don't have close to enough time to document what the system is currently doing - even if we could get everybody to agree to what is actually supposed to do.
