I am pleased to say that Maypole 2.10 has been released and will be available from CPAN shortly
2.10 is mostly a caretaker release consisting of bug fixes and small incremental improvements that are backwards compatible.
* Changes and Fixes
Moving forwards in 2.11 we'll be looking hard at ease of use and consistency and any low hanging fruit that can provide performance improvements. I would also like to concentrate on getting the documentation up to date and consistent. Any help in this will be greatly appreciated.
Congrats for getting it out, and many thanks for taking up the baton. We're using maypole at work, and it's pretty much perfect for what we are using it as.
I just need to understand how to implement user controls, who can edit which tables and the like and life will be perfect. Any pointers?
TeeJay on 2005-07-20T08:40:50
I reccomend joining the maypole user email list - details can be found easily on the wiki, in particular the email archived at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7767547&forum_id=44077
ajt on 2005-07-20T10:40:19
Done it just after I posted here....