I have a table I am inserting records into - it has a unique constraint on a composite primary key - if the constraint is broken - it still inserts the record *with* the primary key but loses the values of some of the other columns.
This is bad
Either don't insert the record - or insert all of it don't just plonk random data in the record and moan about constraints being broken you useless lame excuse for a database.
Don't get me started on being limited to 30 char identifiers and complaining about them being too long without even checking to see if it exists
Or the lack of a nice top N results (t-sql) or OFFSET/LIMIT (mysql) - instead having to have deeply nested selects with rowid selected out of each because rownum is calculated before any sorting is done.
When people go on about how MySQL isn't a proper database I think - hang on most of the 'proper' database I have used have far worse problems than MySQL.