I am just pushing version 1.5 up to CPAN as I type..
It now reads Dia and SQL as well as DBI, C++, Perl, PHP and Java.
It also outputs XML, Dia, Dot, VCG and renders images via GraphViz or VCG to jpeg, postscript, gif, png, pbm and whatever your VCG/GraphViz will output.
For a real sense of control output to .vcg or .dot and hand tune the digraphs for better results, then bang them thru dot/vcg.
Lots of fixes have been made, some big ones to the C++ and Perl handlers and some tidying to the output methods to handle problems better.
I have also added extra options to allow showing and hiding of attributes/methods and hidden/private attributes and methods.
download from the website at http://droogs.org/autodia/ or from CPAN.
somebody remind me to put together a bundle to make installing it a bit easier for those who don't use perl.