The view from the DarkPAN

SparkeyG on 2009-07-07T02:21:16

I've spent the past week playing catch up on reading Perl blogs, namely

What chromatic has to say is thought provoking stuff. I'm one of those that maintain his own little part of the DarkPAN. My code will never leave the office. I rely upon many CPAN modules but only for their basic functionality.

If Perl were to upgrade in 5.12 to break functionality, I really would care or really know. I am very comfortable in using an older, known release of Perl. We are looking at 5.10.0 only to offer a recent release of Perl not because any of need my co-workers or I have. I like what I see, but so far I haven't seen a highly compelling need to move forward. POE, DBI, and Class::DBI are doing what I need to get done today.

When we decide to upgrade, we won't rid ourselves of our previous versions of Perl, heck we still have installs of 5.004 being used. What I'm saying is that the Perl community should move forward without worrying overly much about us that have to drive in the slow lane.