Storing RSS in a db

SparkeyG on 2004-03-30T13:13:24

I am working on a hobby project, kinda of like how some guys have a hobby car. Right now I've decided to right a RSS aggregator and displayer. I've got the rough work done, using availible modules. Now I was thinking about how to extend this, so I decided to use the mysql installed on my box.

I was thinking I could keep the raw and cooked RDF in the database as TEXT entries and then retrieve them for display on the web page. Well, after an hour of not being able to get quote to quote it correctly, I've decided to fsck it for now and just continue to save it off to a file. I still will use the db for the aggregator.

Before anyone raises the idea that I should d/l and read slash, et al, let me say: This is a project to stretch myself and to learn by doing.

The project is a Sports Club/League managment system, in case anyone was curious. What does RSS have to do with this? Nothing, it's a distaction from the planning I'm doing on this.