Documentation, Work, Perl, and Soccer

SparkeyG on 2003-08-20T18:07:55

I've been made document bitch at work. I hate doing documentation of pre-exsisting systems. I have to ask people basic and leading questions so that I can take notes and write the manual they all were to fscking lazy to write in the first place.

While on the topic of work, let me just state that I dislike my manager. He has the respect of his superiors, but everyone below him sees him as a micro-managing control freak. In a firm of 50 people, he sees a hierarchial managment scheme as a helping scheme. Rules and regulations are to be followed he says. I wore running shoes to the office this morning, the rest of my attire is business casual (Khaki slacks, neutral colored polo.) He firmly states that I am out of dress code and to not wear these shoes in the future. *GAH* I sit in the NOC, a different rant for a different time, and haven't seen one customer in the three months I've been here. *SCREAM*

On to perl before I explode. I've been playing with GD::Plot lately. I'm working on creating near-time plots of critical numbers for my coworkers and the customer support staff. Neat stuff and much better than the PDL crap I was dealing with at my old place. PDL is nice, but getting data plots required to many hoops to be jumped through. It just wasn't the right tool for the job.

The fall soccer season has started in the Southern Chicagoland area. My first game of the season was a Boys U-12 rec match. I enjoy ref'ing this age group. They still are having fun playing and are _starting_ to have an idea about the finesse of the game. But they still have problems with throw-ins :) About 13 minutes into the second half red player jumps up to get the ball, howeveer the ball is about 18 inches past his jump. So he lifts his arm straight up to deflect the ball. The look on his face after he realized what he did was a classic *DOH*.