Three months later I climbed out of the basement

Solo on 2004-11-15T21:06:24

It started with learning Nagios. The middle act was a nasty flu bug. The last bit was leaky plumbing in the basement. I once heard that time seems to go by faster as you age because each new day is a smaller percentage of your overall experience. Three months went pretty quick this time.

Somewhere along the line I picked up the Mod_Perl Cookbook. Good read, but now behind the Apache 2 curve.

That book put my finger on one frustration I have with embedded Perl Nagios (ePN). There's no mod_perl-ish perl-status equivalent in ePN. It seems impossible to know basic things like how many and which scripts are loaded and running in ePN, which modules and versions are loaded, etc. I think I'll try to roll my own with Devel::SymDump.