Closure and a new beginning(?)

SnakeNuts on 2002-03-27T13:57:33

Well, two months have sped past and my tenure at Interapy is almost at an end. It's been... interesting. I had hoped for a more challenging time, but I was slowly pushed back to writing HTML pages. At first I used the Template Toolkit, but at the end it was decided to use the CGI module. (It's still used from within the TT-code, but I think it will be pulled back into the main perl code shortly after my departure)

Still, It was a new start and a very interesting place to work, especially the matter that they workied with. I have gotten a better look on what psychologists do.

On to the next job. But the question-mark in the title shows exactly what I currently know about that. Nothing has been said or (what I suspect) done about finding a new project. Luckily it won't affect my pay, so I will lie back and see what comes after easter.

So a happy easter to you all, and see you on the flipside.