Perl Survey results released

Skud on 2007-11-13T23:13:23

I've just released the official report on the results of the Perl Survey. The data has been available for a few weeks and people have already started downloading and analysing it, so some of those third party analyses are also available from the link above.


ddick on 2007-11-14T22:46:48

thanks to yourself and schwern for the thought and work behind this project. most interesting reading. registration lapsed

tomhukins on 2009-03-11T13:12:34

Thank you for publishing these results.

Now that the registration for has lapsed where can we find them? registration lapsed

tomhukins on 2009-03-11T13:29:14

I've just been pointed at Data::PerlSurvey2007 on CPAN that contains the results, albeit in their raw form without the presentation that used to exist on

Thanks, Ilmari.