I want to go home, but I've got started hacking a really neat little Perl module, and I've only got two subroutines left to do. In fact, stuff it, I'm going home. I can finish this off tomorrow.
So, about the module. It's called Config::Auto
, and I've written it because I never want to write another config file parser ever again. So, this little baby looks around for a likely-looking config file, sniffs it to work out what sort of format it's in, and has a good shot at parsing it into a Perl data structure. It deals with XML, INI files, Perl files, lists and the more "vague" Unix-style colon-separated, equal-separated and space-separated files.
For instance:
This looks around my filesystem, and finds .tortuousrc
, which looks like this:
Impatience: check.
Hubris: check.
But wait, you can't finish it tomorrow, because that's a holiday! <stupid-grin/>