Idea fairy

Simon on 2002-06-12T16:10:08

Selective tainting. "Taint all filehandles, but not environment accesses." Or even, "taint this filehandle, since it's coming in from the network, but not that one, since it's the server config file and I trust it". Difficult to implement in Perl 5 without a major slowdown, I think. You'd have to split taint checking from actual tainting, for starters. But worth thinking about.

Untainting filehandles

rafael on 2002-06-13T06:58:12

There's at least the IO::Handle->untaint method.

I like it.

clintp on 2002-06-13T12:50:43

Nothing more, just I LIKE IT. :)

Re:I like it.

clintp on 2002-06-13T12:53:25

On further reflection, a pragma syntax might be good.

no taint 'filehandles';
no taint 'envrionment';
no taint 'filehandles' qw(MYFILE);
