Sick sick sick

Simon on 2002-06-11T12:34:04

Idea of the day: JIT the bytecode produced by the regexp engine. Shouldn't actually be too hard. Produce a bunch of C functions which perform each node, keep everything in registers, and use C magic to build a buffer stringing the assembly code for each function together.

That's not sick...

jhi on 2002-06-11T17:39:25

...try this for sick: requiring that a C compiler is available so that a piece of customized regex C code can be compiled into a shared object that will be linked into the Perl executable at startup -- and since regexes can change in runtime, this will happen also during execution.

Re:That's not sick...

Simon on 2002-06-11T18:56:41

...try this for sick: requiring that a C compiler is available so that ...

Isn't that just the Inline principle? Inline::Regex, I can see it now...