
Simon on 2001-06-01T00:20:38

Pretty stressed. And busy. Very busy. Tuesday was my birthday, and while I didn't do much exciting, I had a fun evening out with some friends. I actually spent the day debugging B::Generate and shiny-byte on Windows, which was a bizarre way to spend a birthday.

I'm afraid I honest can't remember what I did on Wednesday. This is why I ought to be writing this journal. I know I went around house-hunting, and spent far too long arranging my accounts, but that's about it.

Today I didn't achieve a huge amount. Did a little bit on my Unicode tutorial, but by no means enough. Couldn't believe the ORA marketing department wanted to rename my "use Python;" TPC paper to "Using Python" because it sounded better. Oops. Oh, and I got some fanmail. Can you believe it.

Anyway, time for some quake and then bed. Lots of bed.