Catching up on the weekend

Simon on 2001-05-28T15:11:39

Well, it's been another busy weekend. On Saturday, I went down to London to practice one of my TPC talks with the Perl mongers and to hear what they were doing. Unfortunately, someone had turned off the public transport network for the weekend, and I arrived two hours late. My talk was OK, but it could do with being longer. I always have that problem - I say what I have to say and then I finish. Maybe I need to say more. Maybe I need to talk slower. Probably the latter.

Also listened to Leon talk about the compiler work he's been doing with Damian - very interesting, and basically a higher-level of my B::Generate Paper. He's compiling little languages - and some not-quite-so-little ones, like Ruby - into Perl. See the project's home page for more on that.

Afterwards, we hung around and drunk Pimm's and ate nachos and generally had a good time.

Sunday was a Good Day. I had lunch with an old friend, Victoria, who's now a trainee patents attorney in London. We had a good chat catching up and then the obvious discussion on the use and abuse of patents. I was surprised to find that she was as upset about the aggressive use of patents as I. Then to the Turf for the oxbridge.tat meet; again met some people I hadn't seen for a long time. We had dinner at the Gourmet Pizza Company, and then went back to Kake's to continue imbibing. Staggering back at 2am across the parks, on the other hand, was not exactly a highlight of the day.

Today isn't over yet, but I've been quite busy. A lesson in the morning, and I've been co-ordinating stuff this afternoon. I've also been trying to write something about Unicode, and I've been helping Artur out with his iThreads hacking. I also plan to do some real hacking at some point today: possibly either converting Leon's "shiny" compiler to use B::Generate, possibly reworking my Z magic patch of last week. More later, I guess.