Evil idea du jour

Simon on 2001-05-23T02:39:27

Unfortunately, I can't claim this one as mine; it belongs to Matt Cashner. A neat use of subroutine attributes and Inline.pm:

sub foo :C {

sub bar :Python {

I wonder if anyone's done sub foo :memoized yet.

Oh, and I really want inline LISP, sharing data with Perl, like this:

@mylist = (1..10);

use Inline::LISP;
(setq mylist (mapcar (lambda (x) (* 2 x)) mylist))

I see Gnat wants me to write a Z machine bytecode backend for Perl. This is, to be honest, one of the ideas I discussed with MJD when he was in the UK. This really highlights the need for an "Evil ideas BOF" at TPC.